Elevate Your Well-Being With Personalized Lifestyle Support with Vitry Wellness Elevate Your Well-Being With Personalized Lifestyle Support with Vitry Wellness

Elevate Your Well-being with Personalized Lifestyle Support

Ready to take charge of your well-being?

Contact us now for personalized lifestyle support that transforms your life. We guide you through the process as you adjust to meet your goals and timeline. Contact us and discover the path to a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle.

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Find your nature...

Nature holds the same electric currents that we do. Engaging with nature allows us to calibrate our frequency to that of the trees and hummingbirds instead of the car horns and internet drama.

Somewhere out there-- there's a specific Nature for You: Ocean, Forest, Mountain, Field, River, Park, Wetland, Bayou... Make time to find your Nature. Studies show that time spent in "green space" can greatly reduce symptoms in mental health and chronic conditions along with metabolic disorders. This is the easiest way to curb those systemic concerns.

Vitry Wellness is here to help support your journey in whatever way serves you best


Most systems in our body are in movement at all times: our heart beat, our cellular energy creation, our firing neurons, our gut-brain communication, our lymphatic system, and so on.

Equally, nature-- from moon & stars to the earth & sea-- is also constantly evolving each moment. Finding some movement in nature connects our energy with nature's rhythms.

Finding that equilibrium will bring alignment and healing to all parts of the mind-body connection. We are here to help support this journey in whatever way serves you best.



Wish you had more peace despite your chaotic and demanding life? Wish you were less reactive in stressful moments? Wish there was more time for reflection?

Being in the present moment with nature, we take in Her bounty and beauty-- granting us more peace, wisdom and capacity.

Communing expands our capacity and the space we give ourselves in the world: to learn, for mistakes, to heal and for compassion. Let us support your journey with nature to express that healing potential. The peace and rewards are immeasurable.


Vitry Wellness support your journey with nature to express that healing potential

Vitry Wellness provides holistic remedies and consultations across New Orleans, Baltimore, Los Angeles, and Seattle.

Check for our services in your area.